"Paul Iratzoquy paints the Pyrenees where he lives. This beauty is not without a touch of melancholy, reminding us of the precarious equilibrium of mountains under threat from the climate. But what's the point of painting rock faces and glacial cirques the way he does, at a time when digital images make them accessible to anyone with a mobile phone? The fact is that mountains have to be earned: they require a science of expressive deformation that makes you feel this space. Paul Iratzoquy possesses this science; he knows that it is sometimes harmful to paint the whole surface of the mountain, that it is often necessary to leave reserves that restore the experience of our visual field and let the wind pass through the composition".
- Didier Semin
Former curator at the Centre Pompidou from 1991 to 1998. Currently curator at the Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris.
- Sapientia, « Le Lab », Galerie Sabine Bayasli, Paris, France
- Exhibition Prix Pierre David-Weill, Pavillon comtesse de Caen, Paris, France
- The Call of the Wild, Galerie Sabine Bayasli, Paris, France
- Ici commence le chemin des montagnes, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Pau, Pau, France
- Pre-selected at the Bourse des Amis des Beaux-Arts (Price), Paris, France
- DNSAP (master's degree), ENSBA, Paris, France
- Un Joyeux Noël désorDONé, Galerie Odile Ouizeman, Paris, France
- DNA (bachelor's degree), ENSBA, Paris, France
- High school price of the futur Architect, ESA, Paris, France